marți, 4 iulie 2017


                1. Everybody can be a dancer!

If you see someone dancing and you think you can do the same thing or even better, congrats! You just became dancer! You don’t even have to train or anything. Just observing others should be enough!

     2. They were born like this

If by any chance you decide to try to dance and you realise it looks like you’re having convulsions, don’t call the doctor, you’re ok! It’s Mother Nature’s fault. Those fools were born with some sort of a gift. They had nothing to do with those skills they have, trust me!

            3. They’re like trained puppies

They like to receive commands from people, especially the ones they just met. If you meet someone and you find out he’s a dancer, ask him to do a dance for you. You will see the excitement in his eyes when he’ll show you a new trick.

            4. The girls are pole dancers

When a girl says she’s a dancer, there’s 95% chances for her to be a pole dancer. The other 5 percent are dreaming about that career and they’re struggling with styles you’ve never heard of in hope for a chance to get famous in a strip club. (But they’re still easy and approachable so…go ahead give it a shot)

            5. They are the only human specie that can make photosynthesis

If you wanna hire a dancer for a job, do it. It's free! They developed an extraordinary function that only plants have: they feed with sun energy not with food. This fact is an amazing surviving skill developed by these creatures in order to adapt to the greedy industry. Plus, they like what they're doing so you actually doing them a favour.

And the list might go on.

P.S. If any of the statements above describes your mindset, please play The Blue Whale Game till the end!